After graduation from senior high school you might be confused what to choose for your future career. Do I need to continue my study or should I just apply position in company? If you are kind of “knowledge people” and thinking that you need to gain more useful knowledge, I really recommend you to continue your study. These are 4 things you will gain if you are working in hotel industry:

1. Great Income
Honestly, I have been in this industry since 7 years ago and counting. Hotel has two times salary income, basic salary and guaranteed service. You will get basic salary in the end of the month and service salary in the middle of the month. Just bear in mind that you might have service salary as much as your basic salary or higher than that. Well, I could have my whole basic salary and never use it for a couple of months because I only use my service salary. No matter where your department is, you will have these two things.

2. Increase your communication
Here in my country, we rarely use English as a main communication. So, by joining this industry, I could increase my communication either in English or in my mother language. I started to learn how to speak politely, trough away my problem during working and be a humble person. Even sometimes my heart is screaming for my problems but my lips have to be able to smile. Hehehe
Before studying in university, it was really hard for me to make conversation to many people. But my major has been forced me to make a good communication through my lecturer and this is the result. I could make a connection with foreigner, government, Non Government Organization, local people, professional, etc.

3.  Advance Career
If you are smart enough so it will be easy for you to advance your career in this industry. You know, one year in Hotel is really enough to stay and learn about their management. All you need to do just try to figure out something else in another hotel. Well, perhaps if you could join in Archipelago group in the first year, try Accor Hotel group in your second year. After 3 or 4 years experiences it will be easy for you to negotiate whether your salary or position. Friends of mine were saying this to me a couple years ago and now I prove it, it works well!

4. Numbers of Relations
The most thing I am really grateful is connectivity. Bear in mind that you will connect to so many people because usually one hotel has hundreds employee and will be changed every year. One team has approximately 10 to 15 persons and in one year they will be gone one by one and changing with new people. These new people usually had a great experience in their previous hotel and that is our chance. It is really common in hotel industry moving to one hotel to another hotel. The more you move, the bigger your chance to have those three things above.


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